Monday, January 21, 2008


Ok, after a month of being home, it's finally time for me (Debbi) to post. We are now happily into a routine of life as a family of six. AnGrace loves her sisters to death, but also needs for them to be at school during the week. The delight on her face when they get home in the afternoon is priceless.
There have been a number of inquiries about AnGrace, so here are some answers...

How is AnGrace adjusting? Amazingly well! She is eating well, sleeping well, smiling, laughing, hugging, kissing, imagining. Every week brings new and exciting experiences, as well as opportunities to work through issues unique to adopting a toddler. She has blended into our family beautifully and we are so grateful the Lord chose us to be her parents.

How are the girls enjoying having a new sister? Are you kidding?! They can't get enough of her. I don't think we've heard a single complaint. Tonight we left AnGrace with them while we went out for dinner; she was overjoyed to see us when we returned, but they had no problems whatsoever while we were gone.

Does she speak any Chinese...or any English? We're not sure about the Chinese. She babbles and sings confidently, but to our ears it sounds like gibberish. It well may be toddler Cantonese, but we have no way of knowing! As far as English goes, she is understanding a lot, and beginning to speak a few words. Right now, her vocabulary consists of about 10 words - hello, bye-bye, thank you, etc., as well as imitating whatever her sisters ask her to say. She has an adorable bias here!

What does she like to do? AnGrace loves life, so I'm not sure she has a favorite...books are high on the list (good thing in this family!), as well as playing with her doll house, playing with noisy electronic toys and watching me cook and bake. She also would live outside if we'd let her. Once Spring hits, I guess we'll be out a lot.

How is her arm? Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that she actually is missing part of her arm. She can do everything any other two year old can do. She uses the arm remarkably well to hold things, push things, crawl (when pretending she's a dog or a baby), wash herself, the list could go on. We'll go to an orthopedic doctor at the end of February, but we don't anticipate doing anything for a while. Sometime later, at her lead, we probably will get a prosthetic hand for her, but from what we hear, kids with her limb difference prefer just using the arm they have.

How are YOU doing? Great! AnGrace has made it easy! Sleeping through the night is huge! She's such a fun little girl to be around - it feels like we've always had her. It's been fun to go back through the fun times of parenting a toddler - the library, the sweet hugs and kisses, the awe of new experiences. After two years of waiting for this, I am feeling so blessed to have AnGrace as our daughter. Almost ten years ago, I received a pewter necklace of three girls - my three girls. Before we left for China I wore it one last time and told one of the girls a good Christmas gift would be another one with four girls. So, I now have a pewter necklace with my four girls. I feel complete, fulfilled...that's how I'm doing.


Tammy said...

What a sweet post! I've been wondering how she has been doing. I'm so glad everything is going so well for you.


Robyn said...

I just received your card and announcement today! Congratulations! We are so happy for you. Our friends from CO were just in E. Asia last month, and adopted a little girl. I wonder if you were there together? We love the photos, and will continue to pray for your adjustment, as a family of 6.

Love you!