Thursday, March 19, 2009

Having a great little sister (FromEmme)

I love having a little sister even though she talks A LOT! She chats all the time about non-sense.
She is so fun to play with! She makes up little games and always says "Hey em, do you wanna play wif me?" She says it with the sweetest little voice! I love having her as a little sister but she can be annoying saying the same thing over and over sooo many times!I love when she sings! She always sings, Twinkle Twinkle(that's what she calls it), way in a manger (she calls it) and ABC's! Her singing voice is soo sweet! I love it
It's been a whole different world when she came home! but it's been great! She's the best littke sister I could ever have!
-Emme 10